Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So I moved into my dorm room two days ago. We’re on the 3rd floor. I can’t feel my shoulders and my forearms feel like they’re going to explode. I didn’t even know this was possible. I’m currently trying to convince myself that I want to unpack all of my crap while Lauren’s doing her Athletic training thing. I’ll add pics later, but i promise you we’ve moved all but two pieces of furniture.

Then last night we helped Claire move her whole room around (It was no big deal, I didn't mind helping) and when we were taking apart the bed, to loft it, one of the heavy metal braces dropped on to my thumb. It took a chunk out of my thumb, but it didn't bleed much or anything. It's not broken either but it's a little swollen and the muscle is bruised and sore. 

So far we're pretty settled on furnature location and now were just hanging posters and doing some decorating. I still have one box to unpack, I just don't have the motivation right this instant. :3

But yeah that's what we've been up to.

Prayer Requests:

That my finger is the only casualty in the bed construction process this weekend.
Everyone's muscles are well rested and ready for monday. 
That everyone is ready to get back into the grind. (I know I'm not.) 

Later Days,


I love guys in skinny jeans :3